NFC, or Near Field Communication, is gaining popularity as more companies continue to incorporate technology in their businesses. It has emerged as a significant part of the mobile device market. NFC-based identity verification uses NFC technology on a smartphone to read user’s data from biometric ID documents. Then, validate the consumer’s identity by authenticating the ID document and matching the user’s live selfie. This replaces customers having to enter their data manually. It provides reliable verification results and makes the whole process simple and secure. NFC offers many advantages in almost all industries, making it easy to scan mobile devices using NFC.
But it’s not only companies that utilize NFC. Many individuals are now using NFC tags to automate their houses, make payments digitally, share documents or media, and other purposes.
One notable advantage of NFC is its robust security. For instance, businesses can utilize the tags to improve their security by programming them to contain consumer’s identity and use it for verification. They can also employ NFC door locks in the office and assign NFC cards to authorized personnel only. This will help them prevent any thieves from entering and breaking.
NFC is also versatile. There are many incredible uses for NFC stickers that people can show off to their friends, such as setting timers and activating alarms.
Tech enthusiasts can program NFC tags to automatehomes. This includes controlling the temperature and lights. The only limit on how many tags can be customized is your imagination and the availability of NFC stickers.
Due to the limitless uses of NFC, it can also become costly, which is one of its disadvantages. It is possible to quickly increase the cost of hardware and software, as well as the costs of hiring technicians to keep it maintained.
For more information on the advantages and disadvantages of NFC tags, you can see this infographic from NFC Tagify.