Marijuana is commonly known as pot, grass, and weed, but its scientific name is cannabis. It is derived from the leaves and derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is banned in the United States and many other nations, and marijuana possession is a crime punished by law. Marijuana is classified as Schedule I by the FDA, which means it has abuse potential and no recognised medical purpose. Several studies have claimed that certain chemicals present in marijuana have medical uses, particularly in terminal conditions such as cancer and AIDS. This sparked a heated debate over the benefits and drawbacks of medical marijuana use.
To settle this disagreement, the Institute of Medicine issued the famous Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base report in 1999. The study was thorough, but it did not provide a simple yes or no answer. Parts of the report are frequently cited in advocacy discussions by opposing camps on the medical marijuana issue. However, while the report explained several points, it never completely resolved the controversy.
Let’s have a look at the reasons why medical marijuana must be authorised.
(1) Marijuana is a naturally found weed that has been utilised as a herbal remedy for millennia from South America to Asia. In an age when organic is a major health buzzword, a found naturally herb such as marijuana may be more enticing too and safer for users than synthetic medications.
(2) Marijuana has tremendous therapeutic properties. Several studies have found that cannabis SEO Thailand could be used as an analgesic, for example, to alleviate pain, as outlined in the IOM report. A few studies have shown that THC, a component of marijuana, is useful in relieving chronic pain in cancer patients. However, research on acute pain, such as that experienced during surgery or trauma, has yielded inconsistent results.
A few studies, which are also reviewed in the IOM report, have shown that some marijuana components have antiemetic characteristics and are thus beneficial against nausea and vomiting, both of which are major adverse effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Some researchers believe cannabis seothailand has medicinal promise for neurological illnesses such as sclerosis. Certain marijuana-derived chemicals have significant medicinal potential. Cannabis constituent cannabidiol (CBD) has been proven to have antipsychotic, anticancer, and antioxidant effects.
Other cannabinoids have been demonstrated to lower intraocular pressure (IOP), which is a key risk factor for glaucoma. The US FDA has authorised drugs that include active chemicals found in marijuana but were synthesised in the laboratory. Marinol, an antiemetic drug used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, is one example. Dronabinol, a synthetic delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is its active ingredient (THC).
(3) The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a US-based group, is a significant proponent of medical marijuana. Many medical professional groups and associations have voiced their support. In their 2008 position paper, the American College of Physicians, for example, urged reconsidering marijuana’s Schedule I classification. ACP also strongly supports research into marijuana’s therapeutic role, as well as shall be exempt from federal criminal prosecution, civil liability, or professional penalising for doctors who write prescriptions or dispense medicinal cannabis in accordance with state law. Security from criminal or civil repercussions for individuals who use medicinal marijuana in accordance with state legislation.
(4) Medical marijuana is legal in a number of developed countries. The reasoning goes that if they can too, why can’t we? is another strong suit. Canada, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Israel, and Finland, among others, have approved the therapeutic use of marijuana under stringent prescription regulations. Exemptions are also permitted in some states in the United States.